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No More PvP in Hardcore
No More PvP in Hardcore
Okay, playing hardcore without a PvP'er coming along with a hoe and bashing in your face is hard enough! Therefore, Player vs. Player has been turned off for the hardcore world. Meaning you cannot hit another player ☺️
1 minute read
March 23 Published!
March 23 Published!
March kickban server is up!
1 minute read
February 23 Kickban server is up!
February 23 Kickban server is up!
What's a week between friends! I mean its not like its not the shortest month of the year! 🤣 New kickban server is running!  
1 minute read
January Kickban World Up!
January Kickban World Up!
Sorry for the delay! The January 2023 Kick deathban world is live and active.  Don't forget we have a survival world always running onport 21000 as well. Happy gaming!
1 minute read
December World Is Up!
December World Is Up!
The new vanilla hardcore world is here! Complete with all new areas to explore. A new dragon to kill, and happy lootz for all! Just don't die. If you die ☠️, then you can't play again till next month! 😩 But have hope! If you feel like paying big...
1 minute read
$100 USD 30 November!
$100 USD 30 November!
$100 bucks to the last gamer standing on November 30th!. Every month gumdum.com will pay the player that has the most hours gamed in the hardcore world. 2nd place is $50 for the gamer that has built the most in the world within the month! So get...
1 minute read