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$100 USD 30 November!
1 minute read

$100 bucks to the last gamer standing on November 30th!. Every month gumdum.com will pay the player that has the most hours gamed in the hardcore world. 2nd place is $50 for the gamer that has built the most in the world within the month! So get your tools out and armor on and start some hardcore gaming!

Visit the gumdum.com/forum Forums and post your building coordinates! Make sure to visit the wiki about how to claim. your land so that no one can grief it! 

Players will receive payment through paypal.

No More PvP in Hardcore
No More PvP in Hardcore
Okay, playing hardcore without a PvP'er coming along with a hoe and bashing in your face is hard enough! Therefore, Player vs. Player has been turned off for the hardcore world. Meaning you cannot hit another player ☺️
1 minute read
March 23 Published!
March 23 Published!
March kickban server is up!
1 minute read
February 23 Kickban server is up!
February 23 Kickban server is up!
What's a week between friends! I mean its not like its not the shortest month of the year! 🤣 New kickban server is running!  
1 minute read